How to embed integrated thinking into your organisation

Integrated thinking, and its close cousin Integrated Reporting, are both gaining global impetus. We asked Fronesys associate Natalya Sverjensky to unpack the virtuous cycle that drives performance.  It is an increasingly mainstream view that reporting has...

Why investors are seeking practical wisdom

As increasing amounts of financial capital pour into companies disclosing more on their ESG performance, we asked Fronesys associate Brigitte Herren to discern the drivers behind this investment approach which has, hitherto, been an esoteric fragment of...

Fronesys services for our corporate clients

Every organisation embarking on the journey to integrated thinking will be asking the following questions: How do we create value now and in the future? What is material to our success? Is our business model aligned to effectively deliver on our value...

The most sustainable Super Bowl ever? Where’s the proof?

Fronesys associate Thomas Odenwald was part of the Super Bowl 50 sub-committee, and we asked him to recap his experience of their mission to make Super Bowl 50 the ‘…most sustainable, most giving, most inclusive’ Super Bowl event ever. Is that what really...

Startups and SMEs in Smart Cities

Entrepreneurship tools and principles to exploit urban data Jyoti Banerjee & Gerd Kortuem The hardest part of starting a new technology business is taking the first step. This is made doubly difficult when the new ideas relate to Smart Cities, a new...

IIRC announces Technology Initiative

Leading companies providing technology solutions are joining forces to look at how technology can underpin new trends in corporate reporting, and in particular can be applied to assist in the global adoption of Integrated Reporting <IR>. Launched...